Do You Know Your Blood Type?

blood-cellWhy is blood considered the lifeline of the body. Simplified, it is a combination of plasma (a watery liquid) and cells that float around in it. It is extremely specialized and supplies the body with essential substances and nutrients as well as carrying away waste from all of our organs. The first transfusion was attempted in 1492 to save the life of Pope Innocent VIII in Rome but it proved to be unsuccessful. In the 1800s, in Canada, Drs. Bovell and Hodder started intravenous transfusions with milk believing that the fat molecules in milk could be translated to white blood cells and in turn be converted to red blood cells. This also provedblood-types unsuccessful. It wasn’t until 20 years later that the first successful transfusion was done on a patient in England. At present there are about 32 different types recognized with the most common being O, A, B, AB. Belief systems have evolved that certain blood types would build stronger armies and also determine personality and behavior. Others have proclaimed that certain diets would benefit certain blood types. In Japan it has even gone so far as dating services seeking potential mates and employers interviewing possible workers presenting their blood type before making any decision can be made about their employment. In addition, students blood-manboth in sports and study groups are placed together according to their blood type. Type O is believed to be the oldest type dating as far back as 30,000 to 25,000 BC. Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon primates are believed to have this blood type. This is the period in which the populations were hunter gathers. It is estimated that around 63% of humans presently have Type O. In South America it approaches about 100%. Type A dates back to around 25,000 to 15,000 BC. About 21% of all people have this type blood-farmingblood. Records show that this is about the time that cultivation and settling into farms began. The introduction of this blood type probably had a lot to do with the cultivation and additions of new and different food sources. Type B is less common with only approximately 16% of the population. It dates back as far as 10,000 to 15,000 and is common in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Type AB was first discovered in the Middle East around 2500 BC and became more common around 1000 years ago. Fortunately, we are now able to receive blood tests which can indicate deficiencies and prevent disease. Request a copy of your blood tests, keep a file on them. You will be surprised at how interesting and informative they can be.