Colostrum is the milk-like substance produced by cows within the first five days or so after giving birth. It provides antibodies and important microbes to the newborn along with an abundance of proteins, fats, glycans, minerals and vitamins. Colostrum can be taken in pill or power form. Research is concentrating on what benefits it can have on gut health. In a trial involving 160 children with severe diarrhea, after two weeks of taking colostrum, their symptoms were relieved. Some positive results are being shown for people with colitis, and those with H.I.V./AIDS. Some speculation is that it can make the gut less permeable helping with digestive issues. In another study of 445 participants, colostrum reduced upper respiratory infections which might suggest regeneration of mucus membranes. Although there have been some positive results in children, it is not certain what colostrum will do to the immune system of adults. Most of these studies has been done by researchers connected to colostrum supplement companies so more unbiased research has to be conducted. There is also the question of-if colostrum is collected after 3 days and then put through a purification process are some benefits lost? However, hope is that it will provide help with children with digestive issues and even possibly autism.