Bovine Colostrum and Humans…

Colostrum is the milk-like substance produced by cows within the first five days or so after giving birth. It provides antibodies and important microbes to the newborn along with an abundance of proteins, fats, glycans, minerals and vitamins. Colostrum can be taken in pill or power form. Research is concentrating on what benefits it can have on gut health. In a trial involving 160 children with severe diarrhea, after two weeks of taking colostrum, their symptoms were relieved. Some positive results are being shown for people with colitis, and those with H.I.V./AIDS. Some speculation is that it can make the gut less permeable helping with digestive issues. In another study of 445 participants, colostrum reduced upper respiratory infections which might suggest regeneration of mucus membranes. Although there have been some positive results in children, it is not certain what colostrum will do to the immune system of adults. Most of these studies has been done by researchers connected to colostrum supplement companies so more unbiased research has to be conducted. There is also the question of-if colostrum is collected after 3 days and then put through a purification process are some benefits lost? However, hope is that it will provide help with children with digestive issues and even possibly autism.

Multiple Sclerosis Vaccine…

About 3 million people worldwide suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, a neurodegenerative disease. Researchers at the Harvard University Division of Epidemiology and Nutrition may have found what they feel is a strong connection to the Epstein-Barr virus. Their results were published in the journal “Science”. Epstein-Barr can cause infectious mononucleosis. The study included 955 active-duty military personnel who showed evidence of their having contracted the virus at least 10 years previously. Blood-tests are showing that people who were infected with Epstein-Barr virus were more than 32% likely to develop multiple sclerosis. What the researchers did was to compare blood tests of the individuals with MS to blood tests of healthy individuals of the same age and sex. Of the 955 tested 801 showed signs of having contracted EBV at least 10 years previously. It appears nerve degeneration that accompanies MS may begin with EBV.  Moderna is presently working on a vaccine to target the virus with EBV-specific antiviral drugs. Prevention of EBV may result in prevention of MS in later years.,MS%20diagnosis%20by%2032%20times.

Bilingualism and Dementia…

A new study suggests that being bilingual may be associated with better memory in later life. Researchers in Germany found that people who use two languages daily had higher scores when it came to learning, memory, and self-control as opposed to those who only spoke one language. After two decades of research the findings were published in the “Journal of Neurobiology of Aging”. Some research in the past has suggested that if a person is bi-lingual it may not prevent them from dementia, but if they were to develop the disease, onset would be later in life than a person who speaks one language. Scientists hypothesize that the ability to switch from one language to another may help with multitasking, managing emotions and self-control.  More research needs to be done to see if the age that the second language was encoded showed differences. Other factors are how often the second language was spoken or in what environment the person lived. More intense research needs to be performed but being bi-lingual does seem to be an exercise for the brain since a person must be able to switch between two cultures.

Don’t Forget your Shoulders…

Our shoulder joints have evolved to the point where we can reach above our heads, behind our backs, and allow our arms to swing in full circles. One in four people complain about shoulder pain. Injury to the ball and socket joint can occur suddenly or be gradual. The tendons which hold the rotator cuff in place can become irritated or overstretched which can be extremely painful. Strengthening the muscles that surround the joint is a way of increasing their resilience. That includes the large muscles in the upper back and chest as well as the smaller groups that surround the joint. However, your lower body should not be ignored. Weak legs and core can result in putting more strain on the shoulder joint when lifting a heavy object. Minor pain may need time to heal but you should also consider what exercise caused the injury to occur. You may need to balance it with an exercise performed in an opposite direction. An example would be if it was a chest exercise maybe a back exercise will be beneficial. If the pain lingers, before you consider surgery work with a professional. Physical therapy can produce amazing results. A physical therapist will advise you on a proper regimen to follow. Follow up on their suggestions and see if it advisable to work with a qualified personal trainer. Don’t forget acupuncture as an alternate. This may be a better way to tackle shoulder pain than just attempting to handle the pain on your own.