The average age of a Laysan Albatross is 30 years. It is a rare occasion when a bird lives to 45 years of age. “Wisdom” is in her 75th year. Albatross are said to mate for life but because of her age she is on her third mate. Scientists have been tracking her existence since the Eisenhower administration. Wisdom has laid over 60 eggs in her lifetime and has hatched over 30 chicks. Her breeding ground is the Midway Atoll Wildlife Refuge where she usually returns when it is time to mate. She was given the name Wisdom since she has survived despite all the environmental dangers that exist especially to Albatross. Plastic pollution and rising sea levels that are threatening their nesting grounds are just a few of these obstacles. Wisdom spends most of her life at sea and it is estimated that she has flown at least 3.7 million miles during her lifetime. Along with outliving her mates she has also outlived the scientist who originally tagged her in 1956. An albatross can lay one egg a year and it will take 6 months before a chick will leave the nest.