Who Needs a Hobby…

Do most people have a hobby?   When asked, a great many of them will respond with “I just don’t have time”. Although adding another activity to your present life may seem more stressful, the truth of the matter is, a hobby has been shown to reduce stress by relieving the brain of negative emotions. A hobby will encourage one to take a break and at the same time expand your knowledge on a particular subject. It can be a new challenge that is totally stress free since you don’t have the pressure of doing it perfectly. By taking up a hobby you will discover a part of yourself that you might never thought existed. A hobby can actually make you better at your present career. It can help you handle stress more efficiently, think more creatively, improve focus and prevent you from reaching burnout. By pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and attempting something new, you can actually build both self-confidence and self-esteem. Focusing on your hobby will prevent you from focusing on something negative that may have happened that day. You may even discover that your hobby can lead to additional income or even another career that you may be more passionate about. Regardless of what you choose whether it be rock climbing or knitting, it will definitely widen your perspective on life by exposing you to new ideas, people and a new way to look at life.