So much Information…

These is so much emphasis on losing weight instead of eating healthy as a means of maintaining a healthy weight. Fad diets come and go with the Mediterranean diet still holding up as a balanced way of consuming food for some cultures. Here are some helpful tips that most health experts agree on. 1)  Eating a healthy breakfast that contains some protein, fat and fiber will fuel you for the day and stave off hunger. 2) If you are not a fan of green vegetables, try blending them with fruit in a smoothie. This will not strip them of their vitamins, minerals and fiber.  3) Cottage Cheese has been around forever. It was popular and is popular again. Cottage cheese has a great amount of calcium, selenium and protein. Can’t handle it. Try it with a small amount of maple syrup. I prefer- Friendship “1% California style whipped” easy to find. Finally, love coffee? Having a cup of coffee on an empty stomach will not destroy your gastric lining. One thing to remember- if you do not like a certain food, you shouldn’t eat it because you feel you should. There is always another option.