Sand from Recycled Glass…

Glass Half Full is a recycling company that converts glass into sand. It was founded by Franziska Trautmann, who has a background in chemical engineering. The goal was to find a solution to coastal erosion. Sand is part of coastal restoration, construction, landscaping and flooring. Her and her partner Max were students at Tulane University and wanted to do something regarding disaster relief after severe storms. The company started small in 2020. Instead of glass bottles going to a landfill, Glass Half Full now recycles over 100,000 lbs. of glass in its 40,000 square foot facility every month. After the glass is pulverized, it is then sorted into different size sand particles which can be utilized in different ways. Fine sand is used to fill sandbags while courser sand is used for coastal restoration. This is truly a positive solution to addressing our coastline which is eroding at an alarming rate.