Brooklyn Backyard Salad…

Posted by Lenny Variano on September 25, 2013


–  Cherry Tomatoes halved (from my neighbor Jim)
– Cucumber (from my Greek neighbor Effie)
– Figs (from my Norwegian neighbor Paul)
– Lettuce (from my Italian neighbor Joe)
– Basil (from our backyard)
-Olive oil and white balsamic dressing.

Full of flavor!!!


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Walking Meetings…….

Posted by Lenny Variano on September 19, 2013

Walking meetings for exerciseSitting has become the new smoking of our generation. Americans spend 9.3 hours a day sitting which is more then the average person spends sleeping. We have forgotten what it is to walk to the store and in some cases live to far and are forced to drive everywhere. A new concept “Walk the Talk” is a way of combining work with activity. What it is basically is scheduling walking meetings. Walking meetings can be everything from discussing plans with a contractor, work related strategy sessions, to 30 minute walks with a friend instead of meeting in a restaurant. This method can have great benefits if you are trying to control blood sugar levels. The stimulation and closeness that can come about from these meetings can be most rewarding.

Source: New York Times article written by David Hockman
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I Can Hear Music…

Posted by Lenny Variano on September 1, 2013


 Some say music came about when man first started listening to birds and noticed their success with mating calls. They then tried to duplicate these sounds in hope that they would be as successful in drawing a mate.  The more skilled the musician, the better were his chances. Others feel that hunters tried to duplicate the sounds of the hunt and in so doing put their daily activities to a rhythmic beat. Some believe it originated in the loving bond between mother and child. The term “motherese” was derived from the playful voice the mother had adapted for this purpose. These remnants of what was prehistoric music are closely related to what we now classify as folk, traditional or indigenous. All we do know is that the first indication of man using a drum dates back to 6000 B.C. in the Neolithic period. It is universal and all cultures seem to have developed their own style of music independent of each other. The effects of music are more subtle then eating, talking, sleeping and love making and seem to be present in almost every situation we deal with in life. Since there are few activities such as music in which the whole brain is used, it has been shown to greatly stimulate our capacity to remember and learn. We hear music at weddings, funerals, religious services, dances, sporting events, elevators, restaurants, gyms and even when we simply have to wait on a line. It is also a major part of every advertising campaign. Billions of dollars are spent annually on buying some genre of music. Music does not interfere or distract but enhances the experience. Today we have expanded and experimented with music and have crossed over into its therapeutic use. It has a positive effect on pain management, aided in the use of less medication during childbirth, boosts immunity, and slows breathing and heart rate which has been beneficial to people with high blood pressure and migraines. Soothing music when accompanying a dinner can be an aid to someone who is attempting to practice mindful eating or help them take the time to chew properly. Pop music has a calming effect when someone is subject to having to endure long lines of which we all encounter in our daily lives. Fast paced energetic tunes can serve as a great motivator in aerobics whether it is broadcasted on a loudspeaker at a gym or heard on earphones while jogging. We sometimes take music for granted and are at times unaware how it is responsible for changing our emotional state. Next time you are feeling a little low, whistle a happy tune and see if it helps.

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Chocolate Milk…….

 Intense exercise, especially if it is going to last several hours, requires a sufficient amount of carbohydrates in order to supply you with ample energy. Since we don’t store glycogen (blood sugar) in the same ratio that the body stores fat, it needs to be restored quickly. Drinking chocolate milk after strenuous exercise is one of the best ways to do this. The sugar in milk (lactose), its potassium and its protein combined with the extra carbohydrates in low fat chocolate milk provide the body with an excellent ratio of carbohydrates to protein which stimulates recovery. This is extremely useful if you are going from one strenuous activity to another.  Maybe there is a reason why kids prefer chocolate milk.                                                        

Sources: Fitness Magazine and  Nutrition Action Newsletter
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