Don’t Forget your Shoulders…

Our shoulder joints have evolved to the point where we can reach above our heads, behind our backs, and allow our arms to swing in full circles. One in four people complain about shoulder pain. Injury to the ball and socket joint can occur suddenly or be gradual. The tendons which hold the rotator cuff in place can become irritated or overstretched which can be extremely painful. Strengthening the muscles that surround the joint is a way of increasing their resilience. That includes the large muscles in the upper back and chest as well as the smaller groups that surround the joint. However, your lower body should not be ignored. Weak legs and core can result in putting more strain on the shoulder joint when lifting a heavy object. Minor pain may need time to heal but you should also consider what exercise caused the injury to occur. You may need to balance it with an exercise performed in an opposite direction. An example would be if it was a chest exercise maybe a back exercise will be beneficial. If the pain lingers, before you consider surgery work with a professional. Physical therapy can produce amazing results. A physical therapist will advise you on a proper regimen to follow. Follow up on their suggestions and see if it advisable to work with a qualified personal trainer. Don’t forget acupuncture as an alternate. This may be a better way to tackle shoulder pain than just attempting to handle the pain on your own.