Regrowing Cochlea Hair Cells to restore Hearing…

Hearing loss affects 48 million Americans and 1.5 billion people worldwide. Over 90% have sensorineural hearing caused by damage to the inner ear and destruction of the cochlea hair cells. These are sensory cells that relay sounds to the brain and are responsible for hearing. Researchers are now looking to the animal kingdom for inspiration. Birds and reptiles who suffer from hearing loss can regrow these hair cells. Researchers at the Decibel Therapeutics in Boston are looking toward gene therapy. This would mean harnessing our own genes to regrow Cochlea Hair cells. The Harvard Medical School has had some success by combining drugs and gene therapy in mice. How do we transfer these results to humans is what researchers are now seeking. This could be life changing for so many individuals.

Dancing as an Alternate Form of Exercise…

Dancing is one of America’s oldest pastimes. It can benefit us both mentally and physically. Research is showing that dancing can improve cardiovascular health, endurance, help with balance, as well as strengthen both muscle and bone. Including dance as part of your daily routine can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost memory retention. This is especially true when learning new steps such as in partner dancing. It is a fun way to increase metabolism which in combination with diet can aid in weight management. As we age it is important to increase flexibility, so we do not limit our range of motion which is an important benefit to consider. Research is finding that dancing releases endorphins that reduce anxiety and lessen depression as well as loneliness. So, if you are not a fan of organized exercise maybe try listening to some of your favorite music tracks and start moving whether it be in your own home or on a dance floor and just loosen up to your favorite dance music.

Are Your Microbes Hungry?

Over 100 trillion bacteria, fungi and other organisms reside in our intestines and contribute to “Gut Health”. These powerful microbes can have a strong influence on both our health and our weight. The neighborhood where these organisms reside is at the entrance to the large intestine. Previously it was believed that the microbiome was responsible only for proper digestion, but it is now realized its importance in both physical and mental health. Research at the UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation is showing that the more diverse the microbes are the less vulnerable you may be to many different illnesses as we age. A 2022 study published in JAMA Neurology connected healthy microbial content to preventing cognitive decline. Eating well can support healthy levels but stress and anxiety can play a role in decreasing their numbers. A good example is fiber from green leafy vegetables which is in two parts. The soluble part gels and gets absorbed into your small intestines but the insoluble part moves on to the large intestine and feeds these microbes. Don’t like green vegetables? Double up on fruit. A 2023 study found that the microbiome needs to absorb from 100 to 400 calories a day to exist. These are calories that would otherwise wind up where they are unwanted in our bodies. Therefore, a diet rich in whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables enables important fiber to make it all the way through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine all the way to the large intestine where it is most needed. Next time you sit down to eat, remember you are literally eating for more than one.

Bovine Colostrum and Humans…

Colostrum is the milk-like substance produced by cows within the first five days or so after giving birth. It provides antibodies and important microbes to the newborn along with an abundance of proteins, fats, glycans, minerals and vitamins. Colostrum can be taken in pill or power form. Research is concentrating on what benefits it can have on gut health. In a trial involving 160 children with severe diarrhea, after two weeks of taking colostrum, their symptoms were relieved. Some positive results are being shown for people with colitis, and those with H.I.V./AIDS. Some speculation is that it can make the gut less permeable helping with digestive issues. In another study of 445 participants, colostrum reduced upper respiratory infections which might suggest regeneration of mucus membranes. Although there have been some positive results in children, it is not certain what colostrum will do to the immune system of adults. Most of these studies has been done by researchers connected to colostrum supplement companies so more unbiased research has to be conducted. There is also the question of-if colostrum is collected after 3 days and then put through a purification process are some benefits lost? However, hope is that it will provide help with children with digestive issues and even possibly autism.