Of all the green vegetables, broccoli is the most recognizable by most people. In working with small children, I find that if they will eat a green vegetable, it is most likely broccoli. I don’t think it is the nutritional value but more of a question of it resembling a small tree or flower. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower are all part of what is know as cruciferous vegetables. The strong sulfuric smell of broccoli is from a compound known as
sulforaphane which scientists believe may not only be beneficial to heart and bone health but may play a part in cancer prevention. Research is showing that the strong mineral compounds in broccoli may fight the harmful effects of pollution and secondhand smoke. Studies are showing that people who eat broccoli once a week have lower risks of common cancers (lung, breast, colon). However, it may be that those who eat broccoli may also have a healthier lifestyle in general. The high level of Vitamin K in broccoli can improve circulation for heart health, the fiber content can fight colon cancer, the potassium level can help with blood pressure, and the level of vitamin C and calcium can help with bone mineralization. Choose steaming over boiling to prevent some of these benefits from being lost. Try sautéing garlic, red peppers, pignoli nuts, salt, pepper to taste and then adding them to the steamed broccoli.