Avoid Too Much Deprivation…

 Too often the term “healthy eating” gets misinterpreted with eliminating all the special indulgent foods that we at times have strong cravings for. When we think about weight loss, we immediately associate it with all those foods that have been given the label “healthy” and feel we must avoid any food that does not fit into that guideline. Labeling foods as “good” or “bad” can have a negative effect and prevent weight loss if that is the goal. Constantly restricting a food that may be considered “indulgent” can lead to uncontrollable food cravings and in turn lead to binging. In some cases, restricting certain foods may lead to resenting having to eat healthy. Moderation is more important than restriction. Eat a variety of foods but just try to be aware of what is considered a portion size. In that way you will be able to enjoy a certain treat more often instead of constantly thinking about it and never consuming it. Some foods are inherently bad simply because they are over processed and contain harmful chemicals. That does not mean that a rich desert that is made with pure ingredients is also bad to consume. Diets that eliminate a food group can only intensify the desire for those foods whenever the situation presents itself. Just remember telling yourself “No” to a particular craving does not eliminate the craving but intensifies it. If you consider it cheating, fine, but remember a treat does not negate a day of attempting to eat healthy. Inclusiveness will contribute more to a relaxed mental state about food on your journey to health and fitness.